Supply Chain Strategy - Edward Frazelle

Supply Chain Strategy: The logistics of supply chain management teaches the best practices and basics in logistics and supply chain management. The book is organized according to Dr. Edward Frazelles’s Logistics Master Planning methodology for developing supply chain strategy. Three major sections address the investigation, innovation, and implementation of logistics solutions to supply chain problems. Estrategia de la Cadena de Abastecimiento: La logística de la cadena de abastecimiento enseña las mejores prácticas y conceptos básicos de la logística y la gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento. El libro está organizado de acuerdo a la metodología de Logística del Plan Maestro del Dr. Edward Frazelles para el desarrollo de la estrategia de la cadena de abastecimiento. El libro se divide en tres secciones principales: dirección de la investigación, la innovación y la implementación de soluciones logísticas a problemas de la cadena de abastecimiento. 

Section I. Investigating logistics performance and practices
Chapter 1. The definition, evolution, and role of logistics in business
Chapter 2. Logistics activity profiling and data mining
Chapter 3. Logistics performance, cost, and value measures

Section II. Innovating logistics practices and systems
Chapter 4. Customer response principles and systems
Chapter 5. Inventory planning and management
Chapter 6. Supply management
Chapter 7. Transportation and distribution management
Chapter 8. Warehouse operations Section III. Implementing logistics systems
Chapter 9. Logistics and supply chain information systems
Chapter 10. Logistics organization design and development
Acronyms and abbreviations

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